Sunday, May 30, 2010

Resentment and Forgiveness

For those of you who don't know I just finished 2 weeks of intensive outpatient thearpy at Aurora Pavilion at Aiken Regional Hospital- I learned a lot. I was sad to be discharged so soon but will be seeing a therapist/physchiatrist starting the end of June. It helped me first of all to realize that what I am going through is SO MINIMAL to what some people are dealing with. That was the first lesson I learned is to be thankful for how truly blessed I am.

Second of all we learned and talked a lot about resentments and forgiveness. Here are some pointers for you from the workbook that we used:

-Resentment is hard, cold anger that eats away at us/
-Resentment destroys our inner peace
-Resentment is like weeds that are deeply rooted. They grow quickly and easily and when left alone they can crowd out our other feelings.

*We must take action ourselves in order to heal resentments (and with the help of God). The power to end resentments is in the hands of the one who resents, not in the hands of the one who offended

*When we are caught up in our resentments we cannot grow emotionally or spiritually.

We then did exercises regarding all of this and got in to talking about forgiving

-Forgiving is an act of kindness to ourselves, not to the person we forgive.
-Forgiving means changing both our attitudes and our actions
-Forgiving means we must be willing to forgive not only others, but also ourselves

*Many people can begin to forgive others by praying for them. Another way is to think good thoughts about them.

*Forgiving is the way we let go of resentments

I thought these statements were very powerful and I will probably go through this booklet multiple times. Just some things for you to think on today and remember that God is the Father of forgiveness, and satan the father of resentment. Whose side do you want to be on?

Monday, May 24, 2010


Wisdom: live in the present, plan for the future, and profit from the past.

So many times we hold on to the past simply because we feel we may loose a bit of ourselves if we let go, or we are embarressed about things that we have done our have happened to us but my challenge today was to LET IT GO!

I had a few mishaps (big ones) when I was in middle school and even though I look back on them now, I see how they shaped me in a good way into the person I have become today. I have been able to minister to many people and share my testimony as a result. Instead of letting those events hold me in bondage I have chosen to share them and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

Find one thing today from your past that you can LET GO and the LET GOD work through you. You will be amazed at what can happen.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday- Day 7

Find your peace and overcome this! (depression for me or whatever you are currently struggling with). Accept the JOYS of family life.

Memorize scripture, take a walk in the mornings or evenings and use the time to recite this scripture and be uplifted.

Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall BRING IT TO PASS!

Isn't this an amazing promise? All we have to do is follow Him and He will bring all our sorrows and troubles to pass. He is an amazing God. I don't know how I would have made it through the last year without knowing He was right by my side.

In my devotions this morning it talked about waiting on the Lord. I particularly enjoyed this quote "Waiting patiently on the Lord isn't an easy thing to do. But by waiting on Him, we get the freedom of certainty. We're not certain of the outcome, but we're certain of who is overseeing the outcome."

The questions asked were wait was I currently waiting for in my life right now- the answer to that is overcoming depression-When asked what I have learned about God's provision during this time- I could wholeheartedly answer that He WILL provide the people and the resources to get you through. He certainly has. THANK YOU FATHER!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday-Day 6


Make Steve (or insert your significant others name here) your best friend! Encourage him daily!

Think about how much we thrive on the encouragement from others. Our husbands are the same way and frankly I am sure that we as women probably don't do enough encouraging.

We had a great family day today. Went to a Graduation lunch for a friend and then headed to the pool for a bit of swimming. It's nice to have days to realax and just enjoy the family that God has blessed me with.

May you all have a wonderful weekend and I have my last card challenge to post tommorow for Sunday and then will begin just updating you on what I am learning in my devotions. Thanks for following along and for all of those who have been praying for me. IT WORKS!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Friday- Day 5

I am posting early today- maye because I can't sleep, or just have a heavy heart. Here is my challenge today:

Friday: Discuss things with your husband and value and respect when he has to say. He loves you.
Ephesians 5:22
Wives, submit to your own husbands as unto the Lord.

This is a tough topic for me. Steve and I don't see eye to eye on some things right now and it all comes down to selfishness (mostly on my part) but I need to daily remind myself that I am to SUBMIT to him as to the LORD. I wouldn't dare argue with God if he asked me not to go somewhere or do something, so why in the world would I think it ok to argue with my husband. Very thought provoking.

My devotion today was on the hands and feet of Jesus (Him acting through others) and I want to give a special shout out to all those who have kept me and my family in their prayers through this difficult time. You know who you are and you are the hands and feet of Jesus in my life and I eternally thank you for that. I don't know where I would be without you.

The devotion I am currently using is Extraordinary Women-Discovering the Dream God Created for You- by Julie Clinton (I may have already mentioned it). It is changing my life one day at a time and I strongly encourage you to pick it up and dive in!

Thursday-Day 4

Well I've skipped a week on blogging but guess I am picking back up on the right day- I am almost through sharing the weekly goals with you guys, then I will just start sharing from my devotions what is encouraging and inspiring to me.....

Pray your way through spells of depressions, anxiety and A.D.D. Trust Him with everything
Matthew 7:7
Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.

Also had some encouraging quotes in my devotions for today

Joni Erikson Tada says:
"The weaker I am, the harder I have to lea on the Lord; and the harder I lean on Him, the stronger I discover Him to be. God always seems bigger to those who need Him most".

Romans 5:3-5
God promises us that if we stay obedient to Him, the product of suffering will be perseverance, character and hope.

2 Corinthians 12:9
When I am weak and learn that he is there, he is present; I'm free, I'm strong.

I vow today to release these anxieties, pressures, demans, etc. to God and let them float away. I will be FREE. Depression will NOT define me. I am FREE.

Pray this prayer with and for me today and each time you think about it. If you are struggling with depression you can be FREE! Give it to God- He doesn't have two scars on His hands or a sword mark in His side for nothing. He has them so WE CAN BE FREE!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday-Day 3

Purposely spend more time with Olivia (insert your child(ren)s name). More playdates. Learn to enjoy her again.

Recreate your lasting bond!

God gave this beautiful gift to me- a daughter- made in his image and created in my womb. I carried her for 9 months and did everything possible to make sure she was taken care of once she entered the world. Why has my view suddenly changed? Why do I dread picking her up somedays, or cringe when I hear her crying from naptime?

It is selfishness- something we are all born with and something I am working to deal with. I am admitting this and it is okay to admit you want that old you back. But admitting it and acting on it are two different things> I am learning to realize who I am NOW! A wife, mother, friend, etc. My days with no responsibility are gone and once we all come to that realization, life becomes O so much simpler. Pray that I will be content with who I am and be continually thankful for the gift I have been given.

Phillipians 4:12a
I have learned the secret of being content in every situation.

Let's all be like Paul and learn the secret to contentment.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday- Day 2

Spend Quality time with the family God gave you.

Encouragement: You chose Steve (Insert your husbands name). Encourage him to be the man he needs to be for you by being the KIND of wife he needs.

1 Timothy 3:11
In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

I am guily of constantly cracking jokes at Steve's expense and making fun of him in front of others. Until he confronted me about this as did my friends, I never realized how much it really hurt him. Strive to be respectful to your husband just as you would want him to be to you. Pracitce the Golden Rule. IT WILL WORK!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday- Day 1

So many of my friends who have been praying my way through the last year of post partum depression and now depression along with other things (ADD, and possibly a bi-polar disorder) suggest that I start a blog with the verses and tidbits that I read anddaily challenges that friends have given me as an encouragement to others.

Well ladies- here it is.

Monday: Work 2-3 days a week and leave work @ work!! I love you very much... (from Meg) Remember God, family, yourself, then work.

Phillipians 4:12-13
I have learned the secret of being content in every situation , whether well fed or hundry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength.

I have put work first in the last few months as an escape from the reality of having a "sick" husband and a 1 year old. But I have come to the realization that this is what God has planned for me. He planned for Steve to have a kidney transplant and picked ME to be the wife to accompany him on this journey. He picked Steve and I to have a daughter, Olivia, who has stolen our hearts and He has been gracious enough to give us the gift and we need to treasure her as if she were pure gold.

Thank you Father for the friends and family you have given me to support and uplift me through this difficult time. May others be blessed by this journaling and may you be constantly praised for all the work you are doing in my life. Heal me Father- Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Renew my soul. Abba Father I cry out to you for healing!

Hope this was encouraging to you all. I will try and update daily. For a greaet devotional I recommend Extraordinary Women (Discovering the Dream God Created for you) by: Julie Clinton and if you are struggling with depression I am currently reading Depression- A stubborn darkness by Edward T. Welch and it has helped me through some dark days!