Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday-Day 3

Purposely spend more time with Olivia (insert your child(ren)s name). More playdates. Learn to enjoy her again.

Recreate your lasting bond!

God gave this beautiful gift to me- a daughter- made in his image and created in my womb. I carried her for 9 months and did everything possible to make sure she was taken care of once she entered the world. Why has my view suddenly changed? Why do I dread picking her up somedays, or cringe when I hear her crying from naptime?

It is selfishness- something we are all born with and something I am working to deal with. I am admitting this and it is okay to admit you want that old you back. But admitting it and acting on it are two different things> I am learning to realize who I am NOW! A wife, mother, friend, etc. My days with no responsibility are gone and once we all come to that realization, life becomes O so much simpler. Pray that I will be content with who I am and be continually thankful for the gift I have been given.

Phillipians 4:12a
I have learned the secret of being content in every situation.

Let's all be like Paul and learn the secret to contentment.


  1. Wonderful reminder! Thanks for being so open and honest!


  2. Thanks Lauren- sometimes honesty is the best way to start the healing process.
